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HomeMobile LegendsGrock ML: Background, Benefits, and Review of This Giant

Grock ML: Background, Benefits, and Review of This Giant

Mobile Legends has many heroes to play with their own superpowers. One of them is Grock ML known as a monster who guides the castle. Grock is also one of the favorite characters as he has an interesting background story you can also see on the storyboard.

Grock Mobile Legends Background

Grock MLBB review

Originally, Grock is a tank hero in the form of a rock monster who commonly has a long sleep. It is unsure who owned the fortress. In the game, it is only told that the owner is the descendant of a legendary race in the Land of Dawn.

The legendary race was very old, even older than the Land of Dawn itself. The race had a superpower to combine and unify with nature. They could even build a good connection with any creature in the world such as Stone Titan. What is Stone Titan? Stone Titan was a charming giant race with thick skin like a stone. The skin made them very resistant to any attack. Even no attack could hurt the monsters.

In Grock Mobile Legends, although they have a very strong body, the giant race just loved peace instead of war. Well, Grock himself was a descendant of Stone Titan who was stronger and more popular than other giants. For their charms and kindness, they preferred sleeping to fighting. They even hibernate up to half of a year. Once they fell asleep, it was very difficult to get them awake.

But although they spent most of their time sleeping, the monsters of Stone Titan were in turn guiding the fortress. It was to make sure that the fortress was always safe from the enemy’s attacks.

Until one day, Grock woke up from his hibernation and found himself alone near the old fortress. Other giants left them without telling him why before he fell asleep. Of course, it made Grock very sad. From now, he must keep the fortress alone and the owner seems to never come back.

For this reason, Grock decided to lift the fortress on his back while looking for the owner. He started to make a journey to the Land of Dawn with the hope to meet the owner soon. As a player, your job is managing Grock to do his journey well along with keeping the fortress. Sure, you can utilize his powers and build Grock ML to enable him to do the mission and win the game.

Benefits of Using Grock in Mobile Legends

Grock Mobile Legends review

Just like other heroes, Grock in the game Mobile Legends offers you some benefits and superpowers. If you can utilize them well, the chance of finishing the mission and winning the game is getting bigger. So, what are the benefits of playing this character?

The first benefit is that the hero has very big damage in both the early and late games. No matter how kind Grock is, he can kill a Marksman hero and Mage only with a combo skill. From the 4 skills owned by Grock, there are 2 skills with very big damages, they are the first and third skills.

The first skill is the power of nature. Grock can turn around his weapon and bring 300 plus +120% of extra physical attack. Meanwhile, his third skill is known as the Wild Charge. With the skill, Grock slides forward and attacks the enemy. It brings 300 plus +50% of the total physical attack to the enemy. When the attack hits a barrier, the damage even increases up to 600 plus +150 of the total physical attack. On the other hand, the cooldown skill reduces 30%.

For the second benefit, Grock has very high durability. As has been mentioned earlier, Grock has a very thick skin to prevent him from any attack. In other words, the hero is very difficult to kill not because of the defense items or weapon he has but from his passive skill or the ancestral gift.

The skill brings the player an addition of speed movement up to 10% as well as the physical and magical defense improves up to 15 plus +8 hero level. The regent health point also increases at 3 and +1.6 level hero. When Grock is placed near a turet, this character will not be killed if you can use the skill well.

Third, MLBB Grock can protect a hero core very well as the hero is indeed very durable. Moreover, the damage he makes is very big as well as his second skill to stop the movement of the opponent’s hero.

Lacks of Grock in Mobile Legends

Next, let’s talk about the lack of Grock in Mobile Legends. Of course, although the hero is very strong and durable, he lacks that which can be utilized by the opponent. So, as the player, you must be careful.

The first lack of Grock is that his stun skill is limited. From the 4 skills he has, only the ultimate skill is the Wild Charge that can bring the airborne effect to the enemy. It is also not long. Consequently, Grock cannot lock the movement of other heroes, particularly them with high speeds like all the assassin heroes.

To solve this problem, you need to optimize the use of the ultimate skill anyway. Besides, it is also possible to utilize the Battle Spell Petrified.

Second, you cannot deny that Grock is a very slow tank hero. As he has a big body and thick skin, not only he cannot move fast but also he looks awkward. When roaming, Grock in Mobile Legends cannot chase the opponent who escapes. The slowness of Grock is also because he doesn’t have the blink skill.

So, what is the solution to this problem? Well, you should use the Battle Spell Flicker. With this item, your hero can get additional blink skills. Sure, they should be used wisely only when really needed. This way, the items may help Grock ML to survive until the end and win the game.

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